Jardin Botanique de Bordeaux et OÏKOS
12th Salon international « Photo-phylles » - 2018
General theme:
Plants, fungi and myxomycetes
The photographs submitted must have as their main subject one or more of the following elements, natural, cultivated or transformed by human action:
- plants and trees
- mosses and lichens
- algae
- fungi and moulds
- myxomycetes
Calendar |
Deadline: October 26, 2018 |
Judgement: November 3-4 (A) and 10-11 (B) |
Notifications sent: November 18 |
Exhibition in the Botanical Garden of Bordeaux: December 4, 2018 – March 3, 2019 |
Catalogue published online: February 28, 2019 |
Organizers | ||
Philippe RICHARD Dominique VIVENT Contact: Jardin Botanique Esplanade Linné 33100 BORDEAUX Tél. : (33)5 56 52 18 77 | Email: Website: | Salon Chairman Jean-Jacques MILAN, E.FIAP 29 rue Montaigne 33170 GRADIGNAN Tél. : (33)5 56 89 26 77 |
1. Participants:
The Salon is open to everyone, except the organizers.
2. Sections:
►►► A - Colours:
wild life only
Photographs must comply with the FIAP definition of wildlife: non-cultivated species of plants, fungi or myxomycetes that grow freely in a natural or adopted environment. These photographs can also depict the interactions between these species and other natural elements such as insects, birds, mammals, moulds, weather events…
►►► B - Monochrome or colours:
plants, mushrooms... and man
Agricultural landscapes, cultivated plants, presence of human elements, natural or processed plants used for decoration, food, clothing, construction, leisure....
3. Number of photographs and sending:
● Each author can submit up to 8 photos, divided between the two sections at will.
● Photos and packing slip must be sent online
● Be careful, authors must use only the Latin alphabet when sending their participation, the download platform does not accept national characters.
4. Exhibition:
The photos selected for the exhibition will be printed in high quality at the expense of the organizers. Photos that are too low in resolution will not be exposed, even if they have been accepted.
5. Presentation:
● JPEG files only.
● Maximum 8 MB per photo.
● If possible, at least 3,600 pixels for the longest side and/or 2,400 for the smallest.
Black: 3/2 - Yellow: square - Blue: panoramic
It is useless to reduce your photos unless they exceed the permissible "weight".
● No border
6. File names:
● The files will be renamed automatically but you must give a title to each photograph at the time of sending (45 characters maximum).
This title will be used as it is for the exhibition and catalogue.
● If properly verified, the scientific names of the represented species are highly desirable.
● The Bordeaux Botanical Garden is firstly an educational institution. All the photos on display are accompanied by an explanatory text.
● For this reason, we ask you to attach to your submission, in free text (.doc, .odt, .txt...), a description as complete as possible of your photos: date and place of shooting, technical data, description and particularities of the subjects represented, etc.
● This information will also be useful when writing the various parts of the catalogue, or if necessary to inform the members of the jury.
8. Awards:
The best entries (authors and photos) will be rewarded with medals and honourable mentions, the youth prize, the jury prizes, the Bordeaux City Prize, etc.
9. Catalogue:
The catalogue in PDF format will be available online.
10. Entry fees:
● 4 € per author
● 15 € per group entry regardless of the number of authors
● FREE for young people (under 21 in 2018)
● The choice of payment methods is made online on the photo upload platform.
11. Clauses of use:
● Unless prohibited in writing by the authors, the photos may be reproduced in the catalogue or for advertising purposes to the Photo-phylles Salon. The prints will remain available for other exhibitions as part of the Botanical Garden's activities.
● The photographs presented at the Salon will not be used for any commercial purpose. Visitors wishing to acquire a photo will be put in direct contact with its author, the organizers will not be involved in any possible transaction.
● The organizers decline any responsibility if compelling reasons would oblige to cancel the event.
12. Jury:
Section A | Section B |
Jonas BANIAKINA (Jardin Botanique de Bordeaux) Michèle DUPAIN (Société linnéenne de Bordeaux) Christophe MONFERRAND (Société linnéenne de Bordeaux) Alternate: Sylvie NIOLLET (Photo-Club de Léognan) | Jacques ADIDA E.FIAP (Photo-Club du Bassin d'Arcachon) Chantal SIGNORET-DUSSUTOUR (Aquitaine Images) Michel SOURBÉ A.FIAP (Photo-Club de Mimizan) Alternate: Dominique LÈGERON (Photo-Club du Val de l'Eyre) |
13. Definition of nature photography:
Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements are integral parts of the nature story such as nature subjects, like barn owls or storks, adapted to an environment modified by humans, or where those human elements are in situations depicting natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves. Scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible. Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement.
No techniques that add, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story or the pictorial content, or without altering the content of the original scene, are permitted including HDR, focus stacking and dodging/burning. Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise, and film scratches, are allowed. Stitched images are not permitted. All allowed adjustments must appear natural. Color images can be converted to greyscale monochrome. Infrared images, either direct-captures or derivations, are not allowed.
Images used in Nature Photography competitions may be divided in two classes: Nature and Wildlife. Images entered in Nature sections meeting the Nature Photography Definition above can have landscapes, geologic formations, weather phenomena, and extant organisms as the primary subject matter. This includes images taken with the subjects in controlled conditions, such as zoos, game farms, botanical gardens, aquariums and any enclosure where the subjects are totally dependent on man for food.
Images entered in Wildlife sections meeting the Nature Photography Definition above are further defined as one or more extant zoological or botanical organisms free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted habitat. Landscapes, geologic formations, photographs of zoo or game farm animals, or of any extant zoological or botanical species taken under controlled conditions are not eligible in Wildlife sections. Wildlife is not limited to animals, birds and insects. Marine subjects and botanical subjects (including fungi and algae) taken in the wild are suitable wildlife subjects, as are carcasses of existing species. Wildlife images may be entered in Nature sections of Exhibitions.
Section A | Section B |
A - Francis LAGARDE - Tulipa australis fleur sauvage - wild flower
B - John GILKERSON - Pink rose fleur cultivée - cultivated flower |
A - Claudine BERGALASSE - Erythrone fleur sauvage - wild flower | B - Aniko JASZ - Sorrowful rose fleur fanée coupée sur du tissu - faded cut flower on canvas
A - Michael HAMMER - Pulsatilla vulgaris fleur sauvage - wild flower | B - Aurore GAGNAIRE - Stapelia flavopurpurea plante cultivée - cultivated plant
A - Bernard DUSSOUCHAUD - Jeune fougère plante sauvage - wild plant
| B - Sophie PETIT - Dahlia rose plante cultivée - cultivated plant |
A - Viktor KANNUNIKOV - Fungi n° 1 Espèce inconnue mais sauvage - unknown but wild species
B - Samuel GENTILHOMME - Rizières n° 2 paysage agricole - agricultural landscape
A - Arkady KIRNOS - The beginning of summer fleurs sauvages en milieu naturel - wild flowers in natural environment
| B - Josette PUYO - Séchage de maïs plante cultivée - cultivated plant |
A - Laurent MAGOT - Iris des Pyrénées fleur sauvage en milieu naturel - wild flower in natural environment
| B - Mato ZEMAN - Coloured fields champs cultivés - cultivated fields |
A - Laszlo PERLAKY - Reed geometry géométrie naturelle des roseaux fanés, en couleurs natural geometry of faded reed, in colours |
B - Bekir YESILTAS - Tulips décoration florale - floral decoration
![]() A - François LEGRAND - Géométrie géométrie naturelle des roseaux fanés natural geometry of faded reed
| B - Laszlo LIGETI - Dimensions élément architectural - architectural element
A - Martina VASSELIN - Araucariaceae et Nothofagus alpina forêt naturelle - natural forest
| B - Jean-Louis BLAT - Chevaliers, ordre des peupliers plantation d'arbres - tree plantation |
A - Jacques MONTAUFIER - Laos arbre en milieu adopté - tree in adopted environment
| B - André BLEAS - Hivernal arbres avec effet photographique - trees with photographic effect |
A - Mato ZEMAN - Spring in Alnus glutinosa wood Forêt naturelle - natural forest
| B - Luigi DONDANA - Ricami forêt naturelle avec traitement monochrome natural forest with monochrome treatment
A - Gilles PARIGOT - Dragonniers arbres rarissimes en milieu naturel - very rare trees in natural environment
B - Abdelmalek BOUDCHICHI EL KADIRI - Tournesol paysage agricole - agricultural landscape |
A - Ange PEREZ - Lichens espèce sauvage - wild species
B - Diana WAGNER - Agave plante naturelle ou cultivée mais traitement monochrome natural or cultivated plant but monochrome treatment
A - Christian BAVOUX - Platanus x hispanica photo montrant un comportement naturel de certains arbres photo showing a natural behaviour of some trees
B - Amitava CHANDRA - For livelihood récolte de fruits - fruit harvest |
A - Seppo PELTONEN - Pulsatilla patens espèce sauvage - wild species
B - Claude BACCHIANA - Piment séchage de produits agricoles - drying of agricultural products |
A - Viktor KANNUNIKOV - Trichia decipiens myxomycète, espèce sauvage - slime mold, wild species
| B - Fabrice JOUSSELIN - Vigne ou Scarabée arrangement de feuilles - arrangement of leafes
A - Oleg KONSTANTINOV - On mountain pass fleurs en milieu naturel - flowers in natural environment
B - Mohammed ASIF - Automnal hue n° 11 paysage agricole - agricultiral landscape |
A - Alain VERNA - Baobab au couchant scène naturelle avec arbre - natural scene with tree
B - LIU YAN - Flower movement culture "industrielle" de fleurs - "industrial" flower cultivation |
A - Catherine JUILLERAT - Parure nature la nature reprend ses droits - nature takes back its rights
| B - Larisa MOZGOWAYA - Pumpkin Nature morte avec fruits - still life with fruit |
A - Steve AXFORD - Mycena chlorophos champignons luminescents photographiés de nuit, le fond noir est normal luminescent mushrooms taken by night, the black background is normal
| B - Anna GARRIGOU - Melon Nature morte avec fruits - still life with fruit |
A - Nuwan SAMADHI - An endless beauty n° 2 algues sauvages - wild algae
| B - Derek GALON - Mushroom picker dans la forêt magique - in the magic forest
A - Joëlle PERIGAUD - Citron moisi moisissure naturelle - natural mold
| A/B - Mircea ALBU - Melancholy dessin naturel mais interprétation humaine natural drawing but human interpretation
A - Olivier MILAN - Les nids constructions en matériaux naturels constructions made with natural materials
| ![]() A/B - Jacques MONTAUFIER - Coupe d'arbre dessin naturel mais interprétation humaine natural drawing but human interpretation |
Ils ne sont acceptés dans la section A que s'ils ont un rapport direct avec une plante, un champignon ou un myxomycète : nourriture, dissimulation, habitat, pollinisation, etc. They are accepted to the section A only if they have a direct relationship with a plant, a fungus or a myxomycete : food, hiding, habitat, pollination, etc.
| B - Christabelle BALLET - Le marché des saveurs
A - Gilles PARIGOT - Fauvette gourmande acceptée - accepted (nourriture - food)
| B - Chinmoy BISWAS - Farmer in Oryza sativa field travail agricole - agricultural work |
A - Dominique MARQUES - Lavande acceptée - accepted (nourriture - food)
| B - André BORDES - Cultures cultures - cultivation |
A - Laszlo PERLAKY - Cranes among cornfield acceptée - accepted ( dissimulation - hiding)
| B - Hélène FARGE - Pomme du Pérou dans sa cage monochrome |
A - George BALADAKIS - Collecting n° 13 acceptée - accepted (pollinisation - pollination)
| B - Asim SENGUPTA - Bush picker transport de fourrage - fodder transport |
A - Prosenjit LODH - Flameback and babies acceptée - accepted (habitat - dwelling)
| B - Amir Hossein ZAKERZADEH - Small green construction en bois - wooden construction |
Ben DALSHEIM - Kingfisher refusée - refused le sujet est un animal, la branche n'a aucun intérêt botanique the subject is an animal, the branch has no botanical interest
| B - Jussi HELIMAKI - Burning forest sans commentaire - no comment |
YU NINGFAI - Fight for the king refusée - refused combat d'animaux, pas d'intérêt botanique animal fight, no botanical interest
B - Michel SOURBE - Petite récolte transport de nourriture - food transportation
Jean-Jacques MILAN - Ischnura elegans non recevable - non eligible le sujet est une demoiselle, aucun intérêt botanique the subject is a damsel fly, no botanical interest
B - Dipankar SENGUPTA - Handicraft tressage de l'osier - braiding wicker |
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